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ID interface

An interface to be implemented by any type that servers as an identifier for another object/s.

ID interface{

// String returns representation of the ID in a human redable string 
String() string

//Bytes return the byte array of the ID 
Bytes() []byte

// Compare takes an ID to be compared with and compares the ID returning the innteger difference between the bytes of the indentifier, for sorting/matching
Compare(ID) int


NFT interface

A bare bone interface to be implemented by any structure that can be classified as an NFT

NFT interface {

// ID returns the identfier for the NFT as an ID interface

// ClassificationID returns the classification/type/denomination for the NFT as an ID interface
ClassificationID() ID


NFT Wallet interface

A basic interface for a wallet for structures implementing the NFT interface

NFTWallet interface { // AccountAddress returns the accountAddress of the account which the NFTWallet belongs to AccountAddress() AccountAddress

// NFTIDs returns the identifier, for all the NFTs stored in the wallet, as an ID interface


InterNFT interface

An interface that implements the NFT interface, adding interoperability functionalities to it

InterNFT interface {

// Implementing the NFT interface

// ChainID returns the idendtifier, for the NFT's native Chain, as an ID interface
ChainID() ID

// HashID return the indentifier, for the immutable properties of the InterNFT, as an ID interface
HashID() ID

// MaintainersID returns the indentifier, for the mainainer froup of the InterNFT, as an ID interface
MaintainersID() ID

// Properties returns the properties of the interNFT as a properties interface
Properties() Properties

// CanSend returns a boolean telling if the interNFT can be sent or not given the current height
CanSend(Height) bool

// CanBurn returns a boolean telling if the interNFT can be burnt or not given the current height
CanBurn(Height) bool


Height interface

An interface to define a block height type for a chain, used as a metric of time.

{ Height interface {

// Count returns the block count for the Height
Count() string

//Current height 
// IsGraterThat returns a Boolean to tell if the Height is grater than a given Height/Current Height
IsGraterThat(Height) bool


Signature interface

An interface for any type that represents a cryptographic signature that can be verified

Signature interface {

// String returns the human redable string format of the Signature
String() string

// Bytes returns the byte array of the cryptographic signature 
Bytes() []byte

// ID returns the identifier for the Signature as an ID interface

// Verify returns a boolean to tell if the signature is valid of not given the public key of the signer and the signed bytes
Verify(PublicKey, []byte) bool

// HasExpired returns a boolens to tell if the Signature has expired given a Height/Current Height interface
HasExpired(Height) bool


Signatures interface

An interface for a container of a collection of Signatures. The Interface handles the deterministic operations on the Signature collection.

Signatures interface {

// Get returns a Signature stored in the Signatures given an Identifier for it
Get(ID) Signature

// Add appends a given Signature with the Signatures Collection
Add(Signature) error
// Add removes a given Signature from the Signatures Collection
Remove(Signature) error
// Add mutates a given Signature in the Signatures Collection
Mutate(Signature) error


Fact interface

An interface to define a type for any kind of information is the system which is non-consequential to the application logic but has to be stored for provinance.

Fact interface {

// String returns the human readable string format of the information stored by the Fact
String() string

// Bytes returns the byte araay of the information contained by the Facr
Bytes() []byte

// Signatures return the cyptographic signatures on the Fact as Signatures interface 
Signatures() Signatures


Property interface

An interface to define any kind of property associated with an interNFT

Property interface {

// Name returns the name of the Property
Name() string

// ID returns the indetifier, of the Property, as an ID interface

// Fact returns the Fact associated with the Property
Fact() Fact


Properties interface

An interface for a container of a collection of Properties. The Interface handles the deterministic operations on the Property collection.

Properties interface {

// ID returns the indetifier, of the Properties, as an ID interface
Get(ID) Property

// Add appends the given Property with the Properties collection 
Add(Property) error
// Add removes the given Property from the Property collection
Remove(Property) error
// Add mutates the given Property in the Property collection
Mutate(Property) error


Properties interface

An interface for any type of Trait associated with a Classification of interNFT

Trait interface {

// Name returns the name of the Trait
Name() string

// ID returns the identifier, for a Trait, as an ID interface

// IsMutable returns a Boolean to tell if a property value of Trait can be mutated or not
IsMutable() bool


Traits interface

An interface for a container of a collection of Traits. The Interface handles the deterministic operations on the Trait collection.

Traits interface {

// Get returns a Trait for the given ID
Get(ID) Trait


Classification interface

An interface for a representation of type/class/denomination of the interNFT

Classification interface {

// Name returns a human redable name for the classification
Name() string

// ID return the identifier, for the classification, as an ID interface

// Traits returns the traits associated with the Classification
Traits() Traits
